Arts Patternmakers Arts Patternmakers

What had us talking in 2019

In 2019 our MD Tandi Palmer Williams took to LinkedIn to share ideas with you. Here are the top articles that had us talking.


The end of the year is a great time for reflection, and a great opportunity to take a look at what’s unfolded this year, what’s worked well and where to improve, before bracing for the next.

Tandi took to LinkedIn this year, to share ideas on audience development, strategic planning and data culture. Here are some highlights:

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First-time visitors need more than a map

A visit to the #TateModern had us thinking about how we give first-time attendees the best possible experience.

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What constitutes a 'promising program'​ in the arts?

The Australian Institute of Family Studies has a definition of 'promising'​ and 'emerging'​ programs. Would this work in the arts?

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Do you know when to act and when to evaluate?

As leaders, we need to judge when to pause and evaluate our work. But no-one wants 'analysis paralysis'​. What if there was a decision-tree help guide our evaluation decisions?


Are micro-experiments they key to developing audiences?

Two years after working together, we looked back on a past client and everything they've achieved since. It led to some ideas about how small experiments can add up to big changes.

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What if the arts sector was data-rich?

Arts and culture organisations are along the least likely to measure their success - but we chose to see that as an opportunity.


Power moves: How evaluation can help you prepare for multi-year funding applications

For our arts & culture colleagues applying for funding this year, we shared some ideas about how research and evaluation can help you refine your strategic direction and test new ideas.

Header image credit: Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash


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Arts Patternmakers Arts Patternmakers

Top 5 most clicked news items for 2018

The end of the year is a great time for reflection, and being the lovers of data that we are at Patternmakers, this means evaluating at our own activity. And so, here are the top five articles that you loved most from our 2018 Culture Insight & Innovation Updates.


The end of the year is a great time for reflection, and a great opportunity to take a look at what’s unfolded this year, what’s worked well and where to improve, before bracing for the next.

Being the lovers of data that we are at Patternmakers, this means evaluating at our own activity. And so, here are the top five articles that you loved most from our 2018 Culture Insight & Innovation Updates.

5. It’s Time for the Arts to Rally Around Standardised Outcomes Americans For The Arts

The arts struggle to reach consensus on impact measurement metrics. This article is a rally cry for the US arts sector agree on metrics to leverage commercial sector beliefs via evidence.

4. Beyond the Bio: Dr Catherine Davis Patternmakers

We were pleased to announce when sociologist Dr Catherine Davis joined our team as Senior Research Analyst. Join us as we take few moments to go beyond the bio and get to know our team's newest addition. 

3. New ticket buying data for Australian electorates Australia Council for the Arts

Check out this spiffy new interactive resource which combines research on arts engagement, employment and ticketing trends in each of Australia’s 150 federal electorates. Nice work from the OzCo research team.

2. Australian arts & culture statistical snapshots Department of Communications & the Arts

Prepared by the ABS, the jurisdiction profiles provide a comprehensive overview of arts and culture at the national and state and territory level. A useful reference for advocacy work.

And our most popular article for the year was…

1. The economic value of cultural + creative activity Bureau of Communications & Arts Research

This new report (and nifty video) from the BCAR features time series analysis of the contribution of cultural and creative activity Australia’s economy. Interestingly, while the value has risen, the percentage of GDP has fallen.

If you want to get our Insight Updates direct to your inbox each month, sign up below and we’ll make sure you don’t miss any important new research.


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