Evaluation of MCA Art Parcels
We are pleased to be working with the MCA to evaluate their 2021 Art Parcel program.
Designed especially for the NSW Government’s Creative Kids vouchers, the MCA Art Parcel is for primary school children in NSW to use at home with their families. It includes a range of art making activities, including instructions and art materials. The 2021 Art Parcel has been produced in collaboration with MCA Collection artist Raquel Ormella.
Information for participants
If you have been invited to participate in the evaluation, your involvement is very much appreciated.
Our team of researchers have worked closely with staff at the MCA to design a series of research activities to gather a range of different perspectives. Our goal is to understand the impact of the Art Parcels for children and families in NSW - and identify ways to continue improving MCA programs for kids and families.
We try to make sure our research is fair and equitable by using incentives and thank you gifts. You can read more about our incentive policy here.
Below are the terms and conditions for the prize draw for completed questionnaires.
One entry per child
Entries are not permitted from MCA staff members
The prize draw will be drawn on 30 November 2021 and winners will be notified by phone or email
If the winner does not accept their prize within one week, the prize will be redrawn until a winner is found