The survey questions used in the Audience Outlook Monitor are available for download

The questions were developed by US research agency WolfBrown, with input from Australian research partner Patternmakers, supporting partners Australia Council for the Arts and state arts agencies around Australia, along with a range of partners internationally.

The questionnaire was tested in a series of focus groups with arts managers and audience members in Australia and the USA. It was piloted in the USA with a database of audience members, before being rolled out in Australia.


Made possible with support from the Australia Council for the Arts, and state arts agencies around Australia, the Audience Outlook Monitor is a tracking study of audience sentiments during the pandemic.

Over 120 organisations are participating by sending a survey to a sample of their audience. This data is being collated and aggregated in a cross-sector dashboard that will be available to everyone in the sector.

Read more information about the methodology.

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About the Author

Tandi Palmer Williams
Managing Director

Tandi is Founder and Managing Director of Patternmakers. She’s an arts research specialist and leader of the agency’s research projects.


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