Without evidence, we are flying blind.

I believe that the difference between those who are serious about their cause, and those who aren’t, is evidence.

If we don’t marshall evidence behind our vision, we are missing a trick, because evidence makes everything easier.

It makes our arguments stronger, it proves why we are needed and it makes the case for what we want to do.

When we take the time to examine the evidence, and rigorously reflect, we see more clearly what we need to do.

We understand opportunities with greater clarity, we prioritise more effectively. We prioritise based on what truly matters - not whim.

We create products that aren’t good - they are great. And we know they’re great because we have the evidence.

In fact, having the evidence means it’s not just us with the knowledge we are great, it’s our stakeholders, our funders, our partners and future partners.

In this day and age, it’s not enough to do good work. The story of that work needs to be told to the people that matter.

It needs to be shared, so its influence can spread. So others can learn from us, and so we can make a difference in a bigger way. 

Good evidence helps us reduce subjective views of our work.

Mitigate risk.

Build consensus. 

If a good idea is tested, examined, piloted, it’s not just a good idea any more, it’s a great cause ready for investment.

Examining evidence is how we keep improving, growing, learning. 

It’s how we future-proof our organisations.

If we’re working on something we really believe in, I believe it’s our duty to take it seriously and give ourselves the best chance of success. 

Without an evidence base around our work, we’re flying blind.

Taking pot shots in the dark and hoping we hit something.

As we look around the world at the issues we face, it’s clear the stakes are high. Too high to do nothing. 

I’m passionate about this because I’ve seen the difference evidence can make (read more about our backstory) and at Patternmakers it’s what we do every day.

I’d love to know what you see as the power of evidence!

Image of Tandi Palmer Williams

About the Author

Tandi Palmer Williams
Managing Director

Head geek and leader of Patternmakers.