Patternmakers Patternmakers

Research Framework and Data Roadmap for Canberra Glassworks

In 2020, we worked with Canberra Glassworks to develop a research framework and data roadmap for the organisation.

We worked with Canberra Glassworks to develop a research framework and data roadmap for the organisation.

The project enabled Canberra Glassworks to agree on a measurement approach for their board for their new Strategic Plan.

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Patternmakers Patternmakers

Sydney Audience Snapshot with City of Sydney

In 2020, we worked with the City of Sydney to report on findings from the Audience Outlook Monitor relevant to Sydney arts and culture audiences.

We worked with the City of Sydney to report on findings from the Audience Outlook Monitor relevant to Sydney arts and culture audiences.

The data was collected from over 2,000 past attendees of cultural events in Sydney, as a part of the Audience Outlook Monitor. This work provided insights about arts audiences, attendance and sentiment in the Sydney metropolitan Region.

Patternmakers also collaborated with a graphic designer on an innovative way to bring the qualitative findings to life, in a dynamic website with visual system for navigating by theme, artform and diversity segment. Visit the Visions for Culture page to explore the tool.


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Audience Research for Sunshine Coast Arts Foundation and Sunshine Coast Council

In 2020, we worked with the Sunshine Coast Council and Sunshine Coast Arts Foundation to undertake audience and market research.

We worked with the Sunshine Coast Council and Sunshine Coast Arts Foundation (SCAF) to undertake audience and market research.

The research heard from over 600 participants both living on or visiting the Sunshine Coast, to identify insights and opportunities for arts and culture events in 2020 and beyond. This involved designing and administering an online survey of audiences, conducting interviews with community and industry stakeholders, and focus groups with locals and visitors of different backgrounds.

We produced a report that highlighted key insights and outlined priority opportunities for market and audience development for the Sunshine Coast region.

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Patternmakers Patternmakers

Growing contemporary First Nations performance

Patternmakers worked with BlakDance to seek feedback on its work, and gather input from stakeholders to inform its new strategic plan. BlakDance went on to carve a new direction in production of new works.

We worked with the national peak body for Indigenous Dance, BlakDance, to ‘catch and keep’ its impact from 2018 to 2020.

We invited BlakDance stakeholders to contribute their experiences and ideas via a series of depth interviews and an online survey.

We also analysed existing datasets to tell the story of First Nations dance and build an evidence base that both BlakDance, and its stakeholders, can rely on for planning, funding applications and advocacy work going forward.

It has assisted BlakDance in its conversations with partners, to advocate for additional funding and raise the profile of contemporary First Nations dance. The company was recently awarded the 2021 Sidney Myer Performing Arts Award.

Read more about this project on the blog:

Image credit: BlakDance

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Patternmakers Patternmakers

Christmas City Program Review, Vision & Business Plan for the City of Greater Geelong

In 2020, Patternmakers worked with the City of Greater Geelong to review their annual Christmas Program and produce a business case for developing the program over the next four years.

In 2020, Patternmakers worked with the City of Greater Geelong to review their annual Christmas Program and produce a business case for developing the program over the next four years.

This work involved an evaluation of Christmas activities and a condensed stakeholder consultation process to understand community needs and interests in future seasons.

The report provided a recommendation for a strengthened and reinvigorated Christmas Program that will see Geelong become Australia’s Christmas City.


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Patternmakers Patternmakers

Qualitative Research to Inform Strategic Activity for the Australia Council

We worked with Australia Council to undertake qualitative research to inform its strategic activity. The research involved a series of online and face-to-face focus groups with members of the public in regional and metropolitan NSW.

We worked with Australia Council to undertake qualitative research to inform its strategic activity. The research involved a series of online and face-to-face focus groups with members of the public in regional and metropolitan NSW.

The research aimed to inform the design of the National Arts Participation Survey (NAPS) and sense-checked the strategic priorities outlined in the new Strategic Plan.

The results provided valuable insights into the way Australians of various backgrounds engage with and perceive arts and culture, arts funding and its public value.

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Patternmakers Patternmakers

Musicians Survey for Create NSW

We worked with Create NSW to analyse the results from an online survey of NSW musicians and their representatives to assist in the development of the contemporary music strategy for the State.

We worked with Create NSW to analyse the results from an online survey of NSW musicians and their representatives to assist in the development of the contemporary music strategy for the State.

The results provided valuable insights into the experiences and perspectives of musicians living and playing music in NSW, and the various steps that need to be taken to support a strong music sector.

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Patternmakers Patternmakers

The impact of school incursions with Musica Viva In Schools' (MVIS) Wyniss Ensemble

Patternmakers and Musica Viva evaluated the impact of its Musica Viva In Schools (MVIS) program and the Wyniss Ensemble, to highlight impacts for schools and identify opportunities for overcoming barriers to particpation.

We worked with Musica Viva to evaluate the impact of its Musica Viva In Schools (MVIS) program, and the Wyniss Ensemble specifically.

This project involved a series of classroom observations, depth interviews and an online survey of teachers who have engaged with the program.

We also analysed Musica Viva’s past teacher surveys and bookings data. The findings highlighted the domains impact of the program, identified opportunities for improvement, barriers preventing access to the program as well as students’ and teachers’ experiences.

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Patternmakers Patternmakers

Understanding community impact with Bundanon Local

Patternmakers worked with Bundanon Trust to evaluate the impact of its community-engaged art program, Bundanon Local.

We collaborated with Bundanon Trust to undertake an impact evaluation of its community engagement program, Bundanon Local in 2019.

The research involved a co-design process with the Trust’s staff, a series of depth interviews with artists and key stakeholders, as well as a survey of Bundanon’s networks.,

The findings highlighted that the program plays a vital role in the Shoalhaven community in providing access to Arthur Boyd’s legacy and facilitating a space for young and emerging artists to connect with professional practitioners and nurture their creativity.

The project helped to identify future opportunities for the Trust to expand the reach and impact of the program for more communities.

Read about and download the report:

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Patternmakers Patternmakers

Research Framework and Data Roadmap for La Boite Theatre Company

In 2019, we worked with La Boite Theatre Company to develop a Research Framework and Data Roadmap.

In 2019, Patternmakers worked with La Boite Theatre Company to develop a Research Framework and Data Roadmap.

This work will be used to inform the organisation’s strategic activity as it approaches its centenary in 2025. The project involved a Data Jam workshop with La Boite’s staff, and the development of a Data Roadmap.

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Patternmakers Patternmakers

Impact Evaluation for Musica Viva's In Schools program and Wyniss Ensemble

In 2019, we worked with Musica Viva to evaluate the impact of its Musica Viva In Schools (MVIS) program, and the Wyniss Ensemble specifically.

We worked with Musica Viva to evaluate the impact of its Musica Viva In Schools (MVIS) program, and the Wyniss Ensemble specifically.

This project involved a series of classroom observations, depth interviews and an online survey of teachers who have engaged with the program. We also analysed Musica Viva’s past teacher surveys and bookings data.

The findings highlighted the domains impact of the program, identified opportunities for improvement, barriers preventing access to the program as well as students’ and teachers’ experiences.

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Patternmakers Patternmakers

Digital Creative Learning Evaluation for Sydney Opera House

In 2019, we worked with the Sydney Opera House to evaluate the impact of its Digital Creative Learning Program.

We worked with the Sydney Opera House to evaluate the impact of its Digital Creative Learning Program.

In particular, we explored the impact of the Digital Creative Learning program on schools, students and teachers via a series of observations of classrooms participating in the program, depth interviews, focus groups and an online survey of past and current participants.

The findings shed light on the successes of the program, opportunities for improvement, barriers preventing access to the program as well as students’ and teachers’ experiences with the program.

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Patternmakers Patternmakers

Postcode Analysis for the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences

We worked with MAAS to analyse postcodes of visitors to their exhibitions, Reigning Men and Star Wars identities.

In 2018 and 2019, we worked with MAAS to analyse postcodes of visitors to their exhibitions, Reigning Men and Star Wars identities.

These projects involved cleaning raw postcode data; mapping these postcodes to corresponding Local Government Areas (LGAs), key regions and countries using a geographic approximation method and data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The data was then represented in a monthly snapshot report.

The snapshots helped MAAS with its reporting requirements, and also helped inform marketing during the exhibitions.


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Patternmakers Patternmakers

Diagnostic Tool Development

In 2018 and 2019 we worked with a team of academic researchers to build a new online diagnostic tool for organisations.

In 2018 and 2019 we worked with a team of academic researchers to build a new online diagnostic tool for organisations.

The project involved conducting a user-centred design process to develop a tool to diagnose an organisation’s capacities.

This project involved a discovery phase, with 3 co-design workshops. We subsequently developed a prototype and engaged with stakeholders on ideation of the tool. A testing phase was managed to pilot the tool in a mid-size firm, and evaluate the results.

The tool will facilitate organisations in understanding their own capacities and areas of opportunity, enabling them to respond effectively to the challenges and possibilities of the 21st century.


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Patternmakers Patternmakers

Visitor Research for Science Gallery Melbourne

We worked with Science Gallery Melbourne to conduct audience research for its exhibitions, BLOOD and PERFECTION.

In 2017 and 2018, we worked with Science Gallery Melbourne to conduct audience research for its exhibitions, BLOOD and PERFECTION.

These projects involved designing questionnaires to measure satisfaction, visitation, awareness, motivations and attitudes. Our analysis identified themes and patterns to establish baseline data about and support future opportunities. We also developed data collection processes for Science Gallery Melbourne’s staff to conduct fieldwork going forward.

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Patternmakers Patternmakers

Impact Evaluation Partner for BlakDance

In 2018, we worked with the national peak body for Indigenous Dance, BlakDance, to ‘catch and keep’ its impact from 2018 to 2020.

We worked with the national peak body for Indigenous Dance, BlakDance, to ‘catch and keep’ its impact from 2018 to 2020.

We intived BlakDance stakeholders to contribute their experiences and ideas via a series of depth interviews and an online survey.

We will analysed existing datasets to tell the story of First Nations dance and build an evidence base that both BlakDance, and its stakeholders, can rely on for planning, funding applications and advocacy work going forward.

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Patternmakers Patternmakers

Four-year Evaluation of Asian Producers Platform Camp for Performing Lines

From 2015-2018, Performing Lines commissioned Tandi Palmer Williams to help analyse and report on each year of APPCAMP, a week-long event bringing together creative producers for networking and exchange.

From 2015-2018, Performing Lines commissioned Tandi Palmer Williams to help analyse and report on each year of APPCAMP, a week-long event bringing together creative producers for networking and exchange.

The results helped Performing Lines improve the Camp each year and secure ongoing funding.

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Patternmakers Patternmakers

Review of Touring and Engagement for Creative Victoria

In 2018, we worked with Creative Victoria to explore how the touring environment should evolve to better meet the needs of communities across Victoria and ensure future models are evidence-based.

In 2018, we worked with Creative Victoria to explore how the touring environment should evolve to better meet the needs of communities across Victoria and ensure future models are evidence-based.

We gathered data from over 200 touring stakeholders via an extensive series of depth interviews, six open forums across the State with 56 individuals, and a stakeholder survey.

We provided Creative Victoria with recommendations for new touring and funding investment models in order to ensure that the Victorian State government is able to realise its state-wide strategic objectives.

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Patternmakers Patternmakers

Audience Research for UTS ART

We worked with the UTS Sydney across two projects within UTS ART.

In 2017 and 2018, we worked with the UTS Sydney across two projects within UTS ART.

The first was to conduct audience research to identify opportunities to grow the contribution of art to the University. This involved qualitative research and an online survey to develop a quantitative profile of visitors. Over 500 people participated in the research. Our analysis identified themes and patterns in visitation and audience experiences, highlighting opportunities for art on campus.

The second was to conduct stakeholder research to help guide the strategic objectives of UTS ART. This involved conducting strategic workshops and consultations and identified priority opportunities for the new role of UTS ART.

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Patternmakers Patternmakers

Evaluation of the GENEXT Program at the Museum of Contemporary Art

In 2018, we worked with the Museum of Contemporary Art to evaluate their GENEXT Program, a festival-style event for people aged 12-18 years featuring live music, performances and art-making and interactive experiences.

We worked with the Museum of Contemporary Art to evaluate their GENEXT Program, a festival-style event for people aged 12-18 years featuring live music, performances and art-making and interactive experiences.

We explored how GENEXT impacts individuals in real time and later in life through a series of interviews with key stakeholders, two focus groups, a series of observations, and a survey of over 1,000 past and present GENEXT attendees.

Our research showed important that GENEXT positively impacts young people’s mental health and well-being while also helping them to cultivate their creativity and experience a sense of belonging.

Read about or download the report below:


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